Episode #992
News Items
Science or Fiction
Item #1
Evolutionary ideas go back to ancient Greek philosophy, going back to Anaximander who postulated survival of the fittest and that humans evolved from fish. https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/ancient.html
Item #2
The North American pronghorn antelope is actually most closely related to African Giraffes. https://news.yale.edu/2019/12/04/untangling-branches-mammal-tree-life
Item #3
Although not confirmed until recently, in retrospect the oldest pterodactyl specimen was discovered in Germany in the 14th century. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/11/221129112745.htm
Skeptical Quote of the Week.
“Our illogical deference to Earth’s bounty has become so widespread that researchers had to give it a name: the “appeal to nature fallacy,” which occurs when we automatically assume something is better just because it’s natural, and likewise, worse if it’s not.” ― Rina Raphael, The Gospel of Wellness: Gyms, Gurus, Goop, and the False Promise of Self-Care