Episode #962
News Items
Who's That Noisy
- Answer to last week: Train
Interview with Jessica McCabe
- https://howtoadhd.com/
Science or Fiction
Item #1
Vinyl record sales topped CD record sales for the first time since 1987.https://www.businessinsider.com/vinyl-sales-surpass-cds-first-time-since-1987-record-resurgence-2023-3
Item #2
Over 10,000 journal articles were retracted in 2023, more than twice as many as any previous year. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03974-8
Item #3
More than 10% of people in Japan, the oldest country in the world, are over 90 years old. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/09/elderly-oldest-population-world-japan/
Skeptical Quote of the Week.
“I’d rather live in a world where I get to love the moon than in one where I don’t, even if the moon won’t return the feeling.” — Alex London, American writer