Episode #51
News Items
Cool video of shuttle launch
“>Space Shuttle Mission- Asteroid Near Miss
- Psychedelic mushrooms
- Kevin Barrett and 9/11 conspiracies
Interview with Neal Adams
- www.nealadams.com/nmu.html
Neal Adams is a famous comic book artist who is known for his illustrations Batman and the X-men; who believes he has revolutionized modern science, if only he can get those stubborn scientists to listen to him. We explore Neal’s ideas of a growing earth.
More on Supplement Regulation
- What nonsense.
I do not disagree with the conclusion that most people do not understand the science (or lack there of) behind herbal supplements, I do not find the argument compelling. And while I am relatively new to your show and generally belive it is thoughtful, logical and expouses an approach to problems we should all support, as soon as an issue involves the shows leaderships profession and their ability to impose control over others, logic flies out the window and protection of personal privilege leaps to the fore.
The argument presented, cut to its essentials is, only us guys ‘the experts’ can really understand what is going on here and we should be allowed to control what you do, what you can have when you can have it etc.
This argument, which experts in all fields make all the time, while it contains clear elements of truth, is enormously self serving and elitist and dispointly often wrong.
Much as you could supply for most other fileds examples of how regulation is protectionist and leads to outcomes not in the best interest of its consumers, I can provide on request many examples, of how regulation in medicine, assures protection the ecconomic position of the status quo, rather than good outcomes for patients.
As a former Chief Scientist (PhD) of a major corporation and as a General Manager responsible for turning around failling businesses, in each case the key was to force one’s self to see the data and hear the arguments clearly. Almost always the failing businesses I took over were in part a result of previous executives overly focused on their own expertise and looking inward at the ‘in place experts’. Rather than being to hear from
outside ‘the world is not as it appears’.While it is one of the most difficult things to do, I strongly suggest that one apply the same degree of skeptism to your own expertise and that of your profession and colegues you do to the rest of the world.
Thank you fo
- Dear Guys (and Rebecca)
Great show! The perfect mix of hard facts, debunking and humour. Long may you podcast.
I realise that the following topic may be outside the scope of The Sceptics Guide.. but Im seriously worried and you guys may be able to give me a straight answer that I can trust. Should I believe this statement?Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected geologists, physicists, and investment bankers in the world. These are rational, professional, conservative individuals who are absolutely terrified by a phenomenon known as global
‘Peak Oil.’This comes from a web site called http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/
I also just finished reading The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler.
You can read a synopsis of his book here
http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/7203633/the_long_emergency/Whatdoyathink? Should I move to New Zealand? Are you coming too?
All the best
Mark Kelly
Science or Fiction
Item #1
Recently published study indicates that educational toys are more effective than preschool in promoting later academic achievement in young children.
Item #2
Scientists have discovered that some wooly mammoths were actually blonde.
Item #3
Paleontologists down under have recently discovered fossil evidence of a carnivorous long-fanged kangeroo.