Episode #121

News Items

    Interview with Paul Kurtz

    • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Kurtz


    • Hey guys,
      I’m a big fan of the podcast, and I just wanted to make a point about the study that seemed to show that being over weight was healthier than being ‘normal’ weight. So, here goes:
      I believe BMI was the standard used. Its important to note that BMI does not take into account Body Fat vs. Skeletal muscle. This is relevant as Dr. Novella said something along the lines that the study may show that having a layer of fat might be healthy. This is not necessarily true as a person that has higher than normal muscle mass may have a BMI that is considered overweight. In fact, athletes commonly stray into the overweight BMI range.

      Long Island, NY


    Science or Fiction

    • Item #1 Science

      New research shows that your initials subconsciously influence your academic and athletic performance.

    • Item #2 Science

      New study explains how males evolve more quickly than females.

    • Item #3 Fiction

      New study links exposure to sunlight with an increased risk of cervical cancer.

    Skeptical Quote of the Week.