Episode #166
News Items
Interview with Sharon Begley
- Sharon Begley is the science news editor for Newsweek Magazine.
Question #1 -Science of the real
- In a recent discussion with my girlfriend about prayer I asked her to ‘give me one single instance where she could demonstrate that a prayer was actually answered’. She, of course, had no real answer but responded that ‘not everything real is scientific’. How can I respond to that? Can something be ‘real’ and not ‘scientific’. Jim McDowell USA
Science or Fiction
Item #1
A recent survey shows that online gamers are more physically fit than the general population
Item #2
Astronomers have discovered a new class of neutron star, called a gravitar, which is more massive than the previously calculated upper limit for neutron stars.
Item #3
A recent nutritional survey shows that most children are getting more than enough vitamins and minerals in their diet.