Episode #252
News Items
- Nonsense on Stilts
- Definition of Siphon
- Neanderthal Interbreeding
- Evolution in Alabama Politics
- Science of Morality
Who's That Noisy
- Answer to last week: Baba Ramdev
Science or Fiction
Item #1
New research shows that while married men live longer than unmarried men, women do not gain this benefit from being married. http://www.demogr.mpg.de/en/press/1813.htm
Item #2
The most extensive genetic analysis to date supports the conclusion that all life on earth descended from a single common ancestor. http://www.physorg.com/news192882557.html
Item #3
New observations indicate that much of the missing matter in the universe is not dark matter but rather a diffuse hot cloud of intergalactic gas made of normal (baryonic) matter. http://www.chandra.harvard.edu/press/10_releases/press_051110.html