Episode #318
News Items
- Non-Growing Earth
- Boiron Threatens Blogger
- Women, Romance, and Science
- Space X Going to Space Station
Who's That Noisy
- Answer to last week: Fred Dagg
Interview with Paul Provenza
- http://www.sho.com/site/greenroom/home.sho
Science or Fiction
Item #1
Amid growing concern that using food crops to produce biodiesel fuel will raise the price of food, scientists have identified a new raw material for the fuel: Alligator fat. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110817094926.htm
Item #2
Being fat can be good for you. Study finds that obese people who are otherwise healthy live just as long as their slim counterparts, and are less likely to die of cardiovascular causes. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110815095034.htm
Item #3
The recurrence risk of autism in younger siblings is lower than previously thought. The risk that an infant with an older sibling with autism also will develop the disorder, previously estimated at 19 percent, is substantially lower; between 3 and 10 percent. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110815095019.htm
Skeptical Quote of the Week.
‘Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, and a treasure you can always carry easily.’ - cheap fortune cookie