Episode #781
News Items
Who's That Noisy
- Answer to last week: First Sound Recording
Science or Fiction
Item #1
Elephants kill 10 times more people every year than lions, sharks, and wolves combined. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/elephants-killed-over-2300-people-in-last-five-years-environment-ministry/article28208456.ece
Item #2
The non-human animal responsible for the most human deaths by direct attack, not through venom, poison, or disease, is the domestic dog.
Item #3
#3) Snakes as a group kill more people every year than any other animal, excluding other humans and disease vectors. https://www.dw.com/en/snakebites-kill-at-least-80000-people-per-year-and-probably-more/a-48836235
Skeptical Quote of the Week.
‘The number of women entering astronomy graduate programs has more than tripled since I started graduate school in the early ’70’s. The number of women at scientific conferences has increased, as has the number of women in technical positions on observatory staffs. This is a BIG improvement! And the future looks bright for women in astronomy. Half of the undergraduate students majoring in astronomy are women now, and the fraction of new Ph.D.s who are women continues to rise.’ Caty Pilachowski, Kirkwood Chair in Astronomy at Indiana University Bloomington, former President of the American Astronomical society, a fellow of AAAS, a strong advocate of decreasing light pollution, and an equally strong advocate of helping more women and minorities find paths to careers in science.